What is the best marketing strategy ? 3 methods to apply
Choosing a winning marketing strategy is the challenge for all companies. With an increasingly tough competition, the evolution of market trends and our consumption patterns, professionals must be innovative and original. How to determine the best marketing strategy for its activity(ies) ? We suggest 3 methods to follow to stay in the race and impose yourself against all your competitors !
How to choose a marketing strategy ?
To choose the best best marketing strategy If you have a problem with a file (adapted to your company and/or to a product/service or to a range), it is necessary to make a complete assessment beforehand:
- analysis“SWOT” Strengths and weaknesses of the company, external opportunities and threats (in English: : Strengths; Weaknesses; Opportunities; Threats) ;
- market research The company’s positioning on the market, in relation to its competitors, observation of the different trends, the evolution of consumption modes, etc. ;
- segmentation separation of consumers into one or more groups (segments) thanks to qualitative and quantitative data, precise analysis of their needs, profile and purchase path ;
- definition of commercial objectives Measurable and realistic (actions to be implemented, actors involved, internal and external resources used, budget and time allocated ;
- monitoring the effects of the strategy used to suggest areas for improvement if necessary.
This will allow the company to establish a optimal work plan, efficient and of good quality, which will allow him to define a marketing strategy or combine several depending on your objectives.
A better marketing strategy by optimizing your site for search engines
To appear in the first results proposed by Google (the SERP : Search Engine Results Page), a company can optimize its website through different actions (89% of online consumers consulted the SERP before making their decision):
- natural (SEO): content optimization (articles, titles, keywords, HTML tags, etc.).), backlinks to strengthen the internal linkage and rely on reliable external authoritative sites (official sites for example); checking links (404 error page, dead links, etc.).) ;
- geolocate its activity(ies) ;
- develop the mobile marketing website responsive (adapted to smartphone use). For information, more than 53% of the world web traffic was done on phones in 2020;
- limit advertising that pollute the site and are harmful to the user experience of the Internet user;
- work architecture and design the site (nice, airy and easy to use) ;
- limit the weight of the photos and images that slow down the operation of a site;
- analyze the conversion rates (from information to purchase) to target the parts of the site to be reworked.
A qualitative and non-intrusive emailing campaign
To keep in touch with your customers, to propose new offers on a regular basis, to present your products and services, to share information, etc., a company can set up an email marketing emailing campaign. This one should be quality and non-intrusive for the customer.
For meet the major challenges of an email marketing strategy, The company must distribute quality content (targeted information providing real added value) that is adapted to all current tools (smartphones, computers, tablets) to be read, understood and especially to make the user want to take action (Call To Action).
The more the message of theemail marketing will be personalized, the more the strategy will be a winner. Moreover, it will also be necessary to plan the mailings (punctual or automated), by passing by a specific platform for example, which represents a real saving of time and productivity.
Contests and promotional items to build customer loyalty
Nothing like it for build customer loyalty that of to make it actively participate. By setting up a strategy social media On social networks, the company creates a community that it can then federate through regular publications of content. Adapting your global marketing strategy to the surge of digital tools has become essential for all professionals: to place advertising objects on other sites, have it promoted by other brands (and even by celebrities and influencers) or use the network marketing.
By offering more visibility and sharing around its brand, the company promotes its return on investment, reinforces its image and its notoriety in the minds of its customers but also of its competitors.
The company can win: goodies, invitations to digital events in preview, vouchers, etc. To be memorable, the reward must be original, of quality and adapted to the targeted consumer segment.
Opting for a winning marketing strategy, based on a complete and detailed preliminary analysis, makes all the difference for a company that wants to stand out from its competitors and ensure the sustainability of its business.